Blogs and Such That I Read.
- (24)slash7
- (IN)SECURE Magazine Notifications RSS
- /\ndy's Blog
- /dev/null
- 1 Raindrop
- 2 Cents Worth
- 43 Folders
- 456 Berea Street
- A Day in the Life of an Information Security Investigator
- A List Apart
- A Whole Lotta Nothing
- Aaron Margosis' WebLog
- ablog
- Access Matters
- Accessify
- Adam Bosworth's Weblog
- Adam Trachtenberg
- afongen
- Agile Alliance - Carnival of the Agilists
- Agile Management Blog
- Agile Testing
- Agile Toolkit Podcast
- AIGA: Podcast directory
- Ajax Blog
- Ajax Info
- AJAX Review
- Ajaxian
- Alex Bosworth's Weblog
- all in the head
- All Things Distributed
- Allison's Journal
- American Guilt
- And all that Malarkey
- Angry Architect
- Anil John
- Anne 2.0
- APM's Future Tense
- apophenia
- Applepeels
- Application Architecture for the Enterprise
- Artima Developer Spotlight
- Ask Bjørn Hansen
- Asterisk
- Astronomy Picture of the Day
- BarelyBlogging
- Ben Galbraith
- Ben Ramsey
- Berkun blog
- Best Tool For the Job
- Better Living Through Software
- Between the Lines
- beyond bullets
- Bill de hÓra
- BitWorking
- box of chocolates
- Boxes and Arrows
- Brian Sweeting
- Bruce Eckel's Weblog
- BufferOverrun
- Bug Bash
- Burton Group Inflection Point
- Café Metaphoric
- Caffeinated Security
- cat slave diary
- CERIAS Weblogs
- cgisecurity
- Channel 9: The Videos
- Chris Shiflett
- Christians for Change
- christopher
- Clagnut
- Claire's Alternate Version of Reality
- classical geek
- CLR and .NET Security
- Code Craft
- Collaborative Thinking
- Column Two
- Contemplative Activist
- Continuing Intermittent Incoherency
- Craig McClanahan's Weblog
- The Literary Works of Cory Doctorow
- Creating Passionate Users
- Curt's Comments
- Cyberspace Samurai
- Dan Sellers's WebLog
- Dana Epp's ramblings at the Sanctuary
- Danny's Blog
- Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life
- Daring Fireball
- Dave Massy's WebLog
- Dave McNamee's Blogoshere Re-entry
- Dave Shea's mezzoblue
- David Fletcher's Government and Technology Weblog
- David Geary's Weblog
- David Rowe's Honours Blog
- David Sklar
- Dean Edwards
- Derek's Rantings and Musings
- Desire2Blog
- Developer Testing
- developer.*
- developerWorks : Java
- developerWorks : Open source
- developerWorks : Web architecture
- Digital ID World
- Digital Web: What's New
- Distributing the Future
- DOM Scripting
- DOM Scripting Task Force
- doodledee
- Cote' Content
- DrunkenBlog
- Edd Dumbill's Weblog: Behind the Times
- news
- Ellis Lab
- Emergent Chaos
- EncyteMedia
- Enterprise Architecture: Thought Leadership
- Eric.Weblog()
- ESV Bible Blog
- evhead
- Exploration Through Example
- Fabulous Adventures In Coding
- Faithful Progressive
- Far From a Shining Star...
- - Web Development Weblog
- First Crack Podcast
- flightless parrots
- Following the rewrite
- Francis Shanahan[.com]
- Frank Swiderski
- from __future__ import *
- From the Orient
- G. Andrew Duthie
- Garrick Van Buren .com
- Garrick Van Buren's gFeed
- gedankengang
- Geek Etiquette
- Generous Orthodoxy ThinkTank
- Glenn Vanderburg: Blog
- Headius
- Hennepin County Library News
- Hey Norton! - Ken Norton's blog
- Higher-Order JavaScript (updates)
- Hiring Technical People
- HREF Considered Harmful
- iBlog
- idea.log
- Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech
- Identity 2.0
- Identity Management
- IEBlog
- Ilia Alshanetsky
- Indistinguishable from Jesse
- INeedCoffee
- Inside the Net
- Internet Security: Be Careful Out There
- ITC: All Programs
- J Wynia
- J.D. Meier's Blog
- James Basore
- James Duncan Davidson
- James Governor's MonkChips
- Jeffrey Veen
- Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Daily Report
- Jep's Rich User Interfaces blog
- Jeremy Zawodny's blog
- Jesper's Blog
- Jesse James Garrett's Hidden Agenda
- jmcada's Journal
- Joel on Software
- John Mackey
- John Sequeira: blog
- Joho the Blog
- Jon's Radio
- JSF Central
- Just a Theory
- jutopia
- jvoorhis
- kaeki knits
- kasia in a nutshell
- kate sandwiched
- kcmarshall - The Big Picture
- Keith's Weblog
- Kevin Lynch
- Kim Cameron's Identity Weblog
- Lachy?s Log
- Larry Osterman's WebLog
- Lessig Blog
- Life Beyond Code
- Looks Good Works Well
- Loud Thinking
- LugRadio (high-quality mp3)
- Ma.gnolia: afongen's Recent Bookmarks
- MacSlash
- magpiebrain
- Mainstream Baptist
- mamamusings
- Managing Product Development
- Mark Fletcher
- Marshall Kirkpatrick
- Matthew Schlukebier
- Matts's Journal
- Meme Agora
- Michael Howard
- Michael J. Radwin's blog
- Michael Kimsal's weblog
- Microsoft Application Threat Modeling Blog
- Microsoft Security Response Center Blog
- Microsoft Security Wiki
- Mighty Seek
- Mike Clark
- Mike Rowehl
- Mike the Mad Biologist
- mikechampion's weblog
- Minnesota office of the Legislative Auditor
- MN DNR RSS Podcast Releases
- mnot’s Web log
- MnSCU D2L Status
- MNteractive
- moo.fx
- mozillaZine
- Musing of A Security Samurai
- nat friedman
- nb
- Ned Batchelder's blog
- Network Security Blog
- New Patriot
- North Star Rails Line
- NOSE: Innovation, eLearning, Educational Technology
- NWF Green Hour Forum
- O'Reilly Network Podcasts
- O'Reilly Radar
- O'Reilly Ruby
- Obie Fernandez
- Oblomovka
- Office Development, Security, Randomness...
- OK/Cancel
- On Scheme
- ongoing
- Otaku, Cedric's weblog
- Out Loud
- Out of Hanwell
- Palisade Blog
- Panasonic Youth
- Particletree RSS Digest
- Paul Graham: Unofficial RSS Feed
- Paul M. Jones
- peknet weblog
- Pensieri di un lunatico minore
- People Over Process
- Perlcast
- Peter Korn's Weblog
- Peter Williams' Weblog
- Peter Yared's Musings
- Pharyngula
- Phil Windley's Technometria
- phly, boy, phly
- Photos of Cooper Roland Van Buren
- PHP Everywhere
- - Richard Heyes' ramblings and code
- php|architect's Pro PHP Podcast
- Pixelcharmer: Field Notes
- Planet AppSec
- Planet PHP
- Planet Ruby on Rails
- Polymorphic Podcast
- Practical Leadership
- PragDave
- Presentation Zen
- Primate Brow Flash
- Prodigal Sun
- Professional PHP
- Professional Security Testers resources warehouse
- ProgrammableWeb
- Proudly Serving My Corporate Masters
- Public Eye
- Pushing String
- Quaker Ranter
- Raganwald
- Rails Weenie - Recent articles
- random($foo)
- Rands In Repose
- Ray Ozzie
- Recycled Knowledge
- RedMonk Blog
- Relax, Everything Is Deeply Intertwingled
- Relevance
- religious right watch
- Remember The Milk - Blog
- Richard Monson-Haefel
- Riding Rails
- Robert Hensing's Secure Windows Initiative Blog
- Robert Hurlbut's .NET Blog
- Robert Watkins
- Robert's talk
- Ruby Code & Style
- Ruby on Rails Podcast
- RubyRiver
- Russell Beattie Notebook
- Sam Lowe's blog on Enterprise Architecture & IT Strategy
- Sam Stephenson
- Sandbox: Message List - Ruby for Rails MEAP Announcements
- SANS Information Security Reading Room
- Schneier on Security
- Scott McGerik's Weblog
- Scott's "SiteExperts" Place
- Security Absurdity
- Security Awareness for Ma, Pa and the Corporate Clueless©
- SecurityDocs
- SecurityFocus News
- Service Oriented Enterprise
- Shades of Gray
- // Complete plus These Links? Again?
- Shooting the Kids
- Showers of Blessings
- Signal vs. Noise
- Simon Willison's Blogmarks
- Simon Willison's Weblog
- SimpleBits
- Simply Accessible
- SitePoint Blogs
- Smalltalk Tidbits, Industry Rants
- - a collection of tips, tricks and bookmarks in web development
- sockdrawer
- SOEA - Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture
- Software As She's Developed
- Software Engineering Radio
- Software Garden
- Spot the Bug!
- springinforest
- Stefan Arentz
- Stefan Esser
- Steve Yegge
- Steven Hawkins
- StillSecure, After All These Years
- Stopdesign
- strawberryJAMM's Security and User Experience WebLog
- symfony project
- Talk To Action
- TaoSecurity
- tech ramblings
- TechCrunch
- tecosystems
- Ted Neward
- Textism
- That's so stupid that it's not even wrong
- The Cafes
- The Django weblog
- The EdTech Posse - Home of the EdTech Posse podcast
- The Farm: The Tucows Developers' Hangout
- The Fishbowl
- The Good Raised Up
- The Hagens
- The Java Posse
- The JavaScript Weblog
- The Last Craft?
- The Old New Thing
- The Panda's Thumb
- The Perl 2004 Advent Calender
- The Perl Review
- the ryan king
- The Salt Water Chronicles
- The Security Roundtable
- The Security Samurai
- The Strange Zen Of JavaScript
- The Web 2.0 Show
- The Web's Bollocks
- The Woodwork
- There and Back Again
- TheServerSide.NET
- Thoughts From Eric
- Tony Bowden: Understanding Nothing
- Traversing the Ocean of Knowledge
- Twin Cities PHP User Group
- TWiT
- use Perl:
- Valery's blog
- Velcrometer
- Venture Voice
- View from the Mountain
- - Art and Software
- Vitamin
- Wait till I come!
- Weather Trends & Technology
- Web 2.0 Blog
- Web 2.0 Technologies
- Web Security Blog
- Web Standards Project BUZZ
- WebDevRadio Podcast
- webgraphics
- What Do I Know
- Whitespace
- WirWiki
- Wordspinning
- blog
- Yahoo! User Interface Blog
- YAPC::NA 2006
- you've been HAACKED
- Zdot
- Zimbra - Blog