Sam Buchanan's weblog.

Feeding the rumor mill.

It's looking like Apple may release OS X 10.1 next week. Much will be improved. If you're a Mac user I recommend OS X . . . but not yet.

Mainly because the apps aren't there. Microsoft plans to release its Office suite for OS X this November, for about $500 (!). That may more more than I'm willing to spend, but problem is there really is nothing better for the Mac. I really do like MS Word, and AppleWorks outright sucks. I might be able to work with StarOffice / OpenOffice once they're ported to OS X, but I'm not sure about Kiara. We'll see, I guess. There are other priorities. In the meantime, Office2001 is more than fine.

What I really want, of course, is one of these babies.