Sam Buchanan's weblog.

Moving to RSS 2.0

I broke a bunch of stuff on this site a couple days ago and am slowly getting around to fixing it. Today it's the RSS feed. How's that for a lunchtime project.

After vacillating between the different RSS versions, I finally settled on RSS 2.0. While Mark Pilgrim's arguments for 2.0 in "In praise of evolvable formats" are compelling, in the end it pretty much came down to a gut feeling: I like what's been done in RSS 2.0. RSS 1.0 introduced greater complexity than I think is necessary for what I want to do.

Now I just can't wait to see what happens in NetNewsWire. I'm curious whether it will display the <description> or <content:encoded>, or whether I can set that in the preferences. Dang, I wish I had my iBook with me.

While I was at it, I also upgraded to the latest Movable Type. About damn time.

Next up...spiffing up the blogroll.