Sam Buchanan's weblog.

Farscape and Buffy

I'll probably raise the ire of more than a few by writing this, but I'm kinda glad that Farscape and Buffy are coming to an end. Both were excellent but have been on the decline the past year or two. I've enjoyed very little of either show's past season. I've continued to watch because I have held out hope that things would improve, but in my heart of hearts I've just been wishing that the shows would end while they were at least moderately good.

Farscape in particular seems to have been suffering from jumpy, uncoordinated writing. On the other hand, the last couple episodes have been rather good, and although it hasn't aired in the US yet, it seems the series finale was excellent. Too bad that it was supposed to be just the season finale. So maybe there was hope, but… oh well.