Sam Buchanan's weblog.

I'm sorry, but this headline just tickles me.

"Minnesota State Colleges and Universities chancellor named to higher education post".

Is the chancellor of the state higher education system not by definition in a higher education post? What's he been doing all this time?

The press release explains that the chancellor "has been elected by his colleagues in the Midwest United States as Chair of the Midwestern Higher Education Compact." Oh, okay. I get it. Sigh. Why not a headline like "MNSCU Chancellor Named Chair of Midwestern Higher Education Compact"? Is there some rule in PR that you shouldn't write headlines that say what you mean?

Nevertheless, cool. I think the Chancellor's been doing a good job of getting involved in things like this. Since part of his role is to raise the profile of the MNSCU system, it's not only good for his personal, professional reputation, it means he's doing his job well. Hopefully you know me well enough to know that I'm not sucking up, people. I don't do that.