Sam Buchanan's weblog.

Campus Crusade

Campus Crusade for Christ paid a visit the other day. I'm still trying to calm down. That they told Owen that he's a sinner is enough to make me scream and punch something. Hard.

Kiara skipped a couple details. The Crusaders gave Owen a bracelet with colored beads: this bead is for God's love, they said. That's when is when they said that God loves him more than his mommy and daddy do. This bead stands for sin. That's when they told him he was a sinner. This bead is for the blood of Christ: "Christ died for us, he died for our sins, isn't that wonderful?"

You are a sinner. Your mommy and daddy don't love you as much as you think. Christ died for you. These are not things you say to a two-year-old. It is absolutely not something you say to a stranger's child when you're "spreading God's word."

Stay the hell away from my son.