Sam Buchanan's weblog.

It's a boy! Welcome, Alec.

Alec Friday, 11:37 p.m. Kiara shakes me awake. "I keep wanting to wake you up to remind me to relax through the contraction, so I think they're getting stronger.

"Let's go have a baby."

We arrived at the hospital sometime after midnight, and three hours later we welcomed Alec Matthew Buchanan into the world. 8 pounds, 10 ounces, 20.5 inches.

I won't say much about the labor and birth right now except that it was amazing. And now there's a new sleeping baby in the house.

Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped, especially our moms.

But right now, it occurs to me that Owen is going to be waking up in six hours and I'd best get to sleep myself.