I plan to post an explanation of why I’m not honoring MAPE’s strike, but first I want to watch tonight’s Almanac to see what the State and the unions have to say.
Oh, heck. Here it is in a nutshell: I believe that going on strike was the wrong decision, and I’m not enough of a union guy to go along with it even though I disagree. I believe that when a union makes the decision to strike, it should be for a helluva lot more than just money. Fundamental things like job security and worker safety need to be at stake. True, health care costs and wages in the State’s proposal will be painful, and they ought to be negotiated. But union leadership made the wrong decision when it voted to strike. The cost is far too great.
Okay, more later. After Almanac. I’ll probably be taping it if you miss it and want to watch.