A few days ago we got an email at work asking about what had happened to an ePortfolio RFP. We knew nothing and responded accordingly.

Today, I walked into work and saw something posted on the wall pointing to the conference room where an meeting about ePortfolios was taking place. I asked a guy leaving the room what ePortfolios were all about, and he invited me to join the meeting! And bam! I’m on another task force. But it’s a really cool project, something that ISEEK is doing. Students, faculty, and job-seekers (in Minnesota and the immediate area) will all be able to create a web-based portfolio. In some respects it’s little more than a fancy resume, but then the ability to post or link to files that make up your portfolio makes it something tremendously more interesting.

A couple years ago I saw a presentation on this sort of thing by a faculty member at the University of Minnesota, Duluth who had created an ePortfolio system for the U. UMD faculty were beginning to work it into their curriculum and advising, so that through a student’s academic career, s/he would slowly build a portfolio that they could make available to potential employers or grad schools as they neared graduation. Very cool.

And now ISEEK’s doing it with a bit of a broader focus. Right on! I’m glad that I asked.