New three-column design. I made the “mistake” of implementing it without testing in IE/Windows. 8 hours later, settled in at work, I give it a shot in IE6/Win and a couple sections overlap. Stupid friggin’ browser.

I should not be so quick to judge. As I keep pointing out to a colleague of mine who criticizes what Mozilla does to his designs, just because a browser does not act as you expect does not mean that it is wrong. It’s quite possible — probable, even — that in my tweaking here and there I broke something. It’s also possible, of course, that I need some weird workaround for a bug in IE6. I very much would like to avoid ugly hack workarounds, so I may end up having to go to a simpler design.

Just as well, because while thinking about how to fix it I realized that I’m not sure I want a three-column design. So after a quick workaround, back to the drawing board…

Update: for the record, it’s a problem with IE. So there.