Sure, I turn my back for a few hours and actually do some work, and what do I get for it? I’m behind the times. Cool stuff announced at Macworld. Things that I care about:

  • Apple’s Safari browser is nice, if a bit rough around the edges (it is beta, hey). I love the toolbar button for submitting bugs. Too, it seems to correctly implement Digest Authentication, unlike certain other browsers. As you’d expect, Mark Pilgrim has some good notes and a page for Safari information for web designers.
  • Apple’s X11 distribution. And they actually wrote, “This one goes to 11.” Tee hee. (huh?) I wonder what this will mean for OpenOffice/NeoOffice. I’m figuring either not much, since we already have decent rootless X11, or a whole heckuva lot. There are already some comments up on the Fink site.
  • Final Cut Express. I was just talking with Jim yesterday about his desire for better video editing than iMovie offers (especially handling audio tracks) but being unwilling to shell out $1000. Maybe this will fit the bill.
  • Keynote looks great, especially as I seem to be doing more and more presenting, but if I can get a functional OpenOffice then I’ll be fine.